BTS, a Korean pop group, has been spreading a message of hope and love to their fans for 7 years. Recently, they released a new album about their growth as their time as a band (and it is SO GOOD). Their album, Map of the Soul: 7 especially explores the topic of standing up to your own shadow (past self) and finding out who you are now (current self--aka "ego"). No matter what we went through in the past, we have the chance to be the best version of ourselves right now.

This positive message

has resulted in an unparalleled world-wide popularity across a wide age range. BTS fans, named ARMY, connect on lots of social media platforms despite language barriers, time zone differences, or nationality. It truly is amazing to see how their music and personalities can bring people together from all over the world.

I was lucky, though, because a fellow ARMY lives right here in Moberly and we decided to collaborate for a styled photo shoot to show our love for BTS and support for their new album. Our photo sets are based on the original Map of the Soul (MOTS) 7 Concept Photos, which you can view here for reference. We recreated Concept 1 and Concept 4.

A big thank you to Morgan for modeling for this session, and to Encore in downtown moberly for allowing us to use their facilities for some of the pictures.

If you're interested in hearing some of BTS' music, I'll put some links at the end of this post! Nothing contained in this blog post is officially affiliated with BTS or BigHit Productions in any way.

Morgan is such a dedicated faN,She handpainted these jackets, inspired by a few side projects from BTS members. How cool is that?