Let the creativity flow...

Have you ever felt like you're in a rut when it comes to being creative? It's easy to get discouraged when you've been doing the same thing for a long time, don't know where to start, or you're just unsure of your personal style.

I don't know about you, but I feel this way sometimes! I love taking pictures, yet sometimes I get caught up doing the same thing over and over. One of my favorite ways to get un-stuck is to try doing something different. Whether that means taking pictures in a new location, with new models, or different shooting/editing techniques, it keeps me fresh and creative!

For this shoot*, I contacted two of my good friends from college, Ian and Des, to help me practice some new instructions and posing guides for my future couple clients. They were such great models, and we had a great time in downtown Moberly taking these pictures.

I've included a few reminders that might help you experiment creatively while you're practicing photography!

*Photo Shoot from January 2020.

1. use a variety of instructions, locations, or perspectives.

2. keep it simple. Let the subject's personality shine through without other visual distractions.

3. create artsy, moody, or serious visuals. If that's your usual style, experiment with bright or Silly styles.

4. Create realistic moments that your subjects experience regularly.