What started as a normal night

ended with a surprise!

Justin is a lover of all things Christmas. If there was a real life Buddy the Elf, it would be Justin. From the music and lights to the food and Hallmark movies, Justin gets excited about Christmas all year long. I once heard that Justin bought *several* cases of Christmas lights when they went on sale at Lowe's the day after Christmas...

Now on a scale of The Grinch to Justin, Page is a normal person and falls somewhere just above the middle. A lover of Christmas, but not a Christmas fanatic like her boyfriend. Regardless, they both love Christmas and celebrating it together!

So it was only appropriate that they continued their tradition of visiting the Latchford Christmas Lights in Callao, MO on a cold winter day this December. Accompanied by a few close college friends and their trusty photographer (that's me, lol. Note, we're friends, too), they ambled through the displays of lit trees, Santa Clauses, Mickey Mouses, and many friendly woodland creatures that all contributed to the magical atmosphere.

*Photographer's note: This was my first time photographing a proposal in the dark, only lit by Christmas lights. So as we walked around and I practiced taking photos in the dark (which Page assumed I was just taking photos for fun), I was making adjustments so I could get the best results when the time came for the big question! I am so grateful Justin trusted me to do this and gave me plenty of time to adjust to the location.

The time had come!

Justin and Page posed under this beautifully lit archway for evidence they continued their tradition of going to Latchford's. But little did Page know that Justin was about to propose!

The time had come!

Justin and Page posed under this beautifully lit archway for evidence they continued their tradition of going to Latchford's. But little did Page know that Justin was about to propose!

Justin: "So Page..."

*PUlls out ring box and kneels*

Page: "no, you're not! No way, No you're not!"

JUstin: "Will you marry me?"

Page: "Yes!!"

Here's to the happy couple!

Congratulations, JUstin & Page!