It all started three years ago.

I had the opportunity to photograph McKinzie in the snow. Seriously, these first two pictures you see are her on December 16, 2016, and the most recent set was taken on December 16, 2019! How crazy is that?!

Anyway, for that first session, we just took portraits of McKinzie at a friend's property. Let me set the scene.

The roads were incredibly slick. The location should've been a 5-10 minute drive, but it took us close to 20 minutes because of the ice. We arrived and I positioned McKinzie for the first photo only to find out that I forgot a memory card...

This is super embarrassing because that's like the most basic and essential piece of equipment in digital photography. McKinzie and her mom were so gracious and offered to drive back into town so I could get my memory card. I think I apologized about 15 times as I sulked back to the vehicle.

With my hand on the car door, all the sudden, my friend who lived there returned from a trip he had been on! I ambushed him quickly and told him the situation.

HE HAD A SPARE MEMORY CARD. The session was saved and I never forgot a memory card for a session again.

So maybe that was a bit dramatic,

but hey, it all worked out!

We had a great time then, and we had even more fun at McKinzie's most recent photo shoot. It was so cool to have her boyfriend and dog along for the ride, too! This time, I had all my equipment ready to go (lol) and I can tell that my photography has improved over the last three years.

It blows my mind to look back at old pictures and see the progress I've made in posing, shooting, and editing. I'm so thankful that I stuck with photography and kept working hard to improve! It's even better when I have beautiful clients like McKinzie who enjoyed the experience the first time and came back for another round of photos, even years later!