And so the adventure begins!

This was an extra special event to photograph, because Baby G is my nephew! That's right! My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are having their first baby. The little guy is due at the end of May and our whole family is excited to welcome him into the world. He is already so loved and cherished.

The shower was themed around Narnia and books! Baby's mom and dad are avid readers, so it was only fitting to shower the little one with his own library. He's gonna have more books in his collection than any other baby I know (lol). It was a perfect afternoon to celebrate Baby G's coming arrival and honor his parents. Thank you to everyone who came and showered this wonderful family with gifts and blessings! I know they would appreciate your continued prayers for a safe delivery and good health for mom and baby.

Location: Timber Lake Christian Church

Theme: Narnia Series

Coordinators: Micah, Anna, and Jennifer (family and friend)

Cupcakes & Cookies: Dot's Bakery in Moberly, MO